You are currently browsing the monthly archive for July 2009.

July 005

An experiment, the semi-hardy fuchsia Gartenmeister I’m not sure it’s worth repeating… I’m thinking Delta’s Night is much closer to the shade of burgundy I wanted to echo…

July 009

The only thing totally happy with the hot days in long bed are the lavenders, Grosso.

It’s been way too hot here. But, even in the swelter there are delights–like the pot of Corsican mint with a few volunteer lady’s mantle seedlings…
July 020

July 017

The day lily, Lilting Belle still offered here, is planted in part shade she blooms later than some–but is always a welcome sight. The coloring is almost identical to Pretty Maid, but of course, more spidery. 😉

Be warned day lilies are addictive….

July 001

This year I planted one box with white flowers and the others primarily in blue tones. The white are prettiest on overcast days and glow at dusk. There’s something wonderfully romantic about moon gardens.

Annuals are non-existent in the borders. But, I indulge in them for the deck, varying the arrangement each year. The boxes are stuffed with all the usual suspects and frequently need watering twice a day, but they make me smile.

June 021

July 2009